
Post-Covid, Remote or Hybrid working is here to stay. So are the challenges that ensue.

For Businesses,

  • Holding meetings with half the team on site and half the team on screens can be challenging
  • Remote working can be detrimental to inclusion and a teaming company culture.

For the Employees,

  • They may start to feel socially side-lined

However, the challenges of Remote Working can be overcomed.

For Businesses,

  • If they fully embrace the remote working model, they can have access to remote talent and have an unprecedented advantage to propel their business forward.
  • They can set up hybrid working policies, ensuring that there is no remote bias or inequalities as they seek to bring employees back to the office more frequently.
  • They can raise managers and supervisors to learn to loosen their grip and reduce micro-management, allowing employees to manage their own workloads with appropriate guidance and support through appropriate HR management tools

Contact us for professional and HR advice at +65 66363691, +65 9326 2271 or!

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